Erwin Lewandowski — Podcast — Sharpened Artist -->

Erwin Lewandowski

Interview with Erwin Lewandowski

Show Notes:

Season 2

340 - Interview with Erwin Lewandowski

This week John interviews artist, Erwin Lewandowski. Erwin creates large-scale waterscapes in colored pencil and has been recognized internationally for his unique work.

He is a two-time recipient of Best in Drawing from the International Guild of Realism, has achieved Signature Status [CPSA and CPX] with the Colored Pencil Society of America, Masters Status [MPSA] with the Pencil Art Society of Canada, and Masters Status with the Coloured Pencil Community in Australasia in Sydney, Australia.

His artwork and articles have been featured in Artist Magazine, Drawing Magazine, Colored Pencil Magazine, American Art Collector, CP Magazine, UK Coloured Pencil News, Colored Pencil Society of America To The Point Magazine, Pencil Art Society News, Australian Coloured Pencil Society News, Public and Commercial Television, and in dozens of market publications.

Listen in as Erv discusses very openly how to be successful in the art world. If your goal is to sell your work and make a living from your craft then you’re in for a real treat.

Erv and John talk in greater length inside the video version of the show inside Members Circle.

Erwin’s Website:

Erwin’s Facebook page:

Materials that Erv uses and recommends

Pencils and pens: Prismacolor Premier, Caran d'Ache Luminance, and Derwent Lightfast.

Fantasia graphite pencils, and Staedtler pigment ink liners

Paper: Strathmore 400 Series Bristol paper

Erasers: Milan 4020 and Tombow MONO

Links and references in the show:

Tanja Gant (Interview with Tanja)

Elizabeth Patterson

Jesse Lane (Interview with Jesse)

As always, you can reach out to the show if you’d like to offer any suggestions:

Would you like the podcast early? How about the full video version of the show?

For rough-cut, early-release, and ad-free video versions of the podcast, join the Member’s Circle.

The podcast is also supported by Amazon Music Unlimited. If you're looking for a new music streaming service, Amazon Music Unlimited will be perfect. It features 70 million songs and thousands of expert-programmed playlists and stations - all available ad-free! 

So check it out today by going to We thank Amazon Music Unlimited for their support of the podcast. 

Artists Signature Chart (16-Page PDF E-book) - John’s List of 65 curated colors:

The special listener coupon code is “sharpart20” to get 20% off a single chart.

Other Resources for Artists

Ready for personal, tailored art mentoring? Check out the new Art Mentoring program and how you can get started for free!

>>>Join the Monthly Sharpener: a NEW online community for colored pencil artists!<<<

Stay sharp!

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