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"What Is Your Favorite Paper?"

Stonehenge Paper

It's a question I get often

A colored pencil artist has many options when it comes to paper!

One of the things I like about using colored pencils is you can use so many different types of papers or supports.  Anything from canvas, paper, glass, wood or stone or even some I haven’t thought of or heard of yet. I have used and tested several different papers and have settled on a few.  But there is one that I tend to use more than any other.  That paper is Stonehenge from Legion paper.  Click here for my colored pencil supply list.

There’s a few other papers that I love for colored pencil. You can read about another of my favorites here. It’s called Pastelmat.

Here are the reasons I like Stonehenge

A LOT of Tooth! The tooth of the paper refers to the texture on the surface of the paper, sometimes called hills and valleys. In short, it’s the texture.  The tooth of this paper has a random texture and is still smooth enough to get good detail without having to fill in a lot of layers to do it.  But, if you want more layers it can take a lot of layers! 


This paper is made of 100% cotton and is acid-free.  This means it will stand up to a lot of reworking and solvents and still maintain its original shape and not buckle as long as you tape it down flat.  It will also last many years and is archival because there is no acid in the papermaking production. 


So far the company has stood behind its product and has consistently produced a good product.  It is always consistent in quality and you can rely on the paper from a new purchase is going to be just like the last time you bought it.

90 lb Weight

The thickness of the paper is 90 lbs.  It is just about the right thickness.  It is not so thick that you can’t print on it.  It’s also not too thin that it seems flimsy.  

What is YOUR favorite paper?  I'd love to hear what you like!  leave me a comment.