Sharpened Artist

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Interview with Paco Martin

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Show Notes:

Season 4

355 - Interview with Paco Martin

In this podcast episode, John speaks with colored pencil artist and instructor Paco Martin. Paco shares how he came to colored pencils after first using graphite and pastels.

Paco embarked on his artistic journey with self-taught techniques but soon realized the need for formal training. He initially explored oils and was also drawn to pastels. 

However, he found his true artistic voice in colored pencil. It's a medium he feels allows him the greatest expression and realism.

Paco's artistic style is meticulous, influenced by his strong background in Mathematics. He experiments with shapes, textures, volumes, and compositions, often incorporating geometric designs and the golden ratio into his work. 

Over the years, Paco has built an international network of artist friends, learning from them while also contributing to the community. One of his major goals is to popularize colored pencil art in Spain, where he feels the medium hasn't received the recognition it deserves.

Paco has earned significant awards and recognition from a variety of esteemed art associations. These include the Australian Society of Coloured Pencil Artists (AUSCPA), the Pencil Art Society, the Colored Pencil Society of America (CPSA), the UK Colored Pencil Society (UKCPS), the Colored Pencil Artists and Lovers (CPCAU), and the International Guild of Realism (IGOR).  

He continuously challenges himself to capture the nuanced beauty of everyday life, believing that he still has much to achieve as an artist.

Paco Martin's website:

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The podcast is also supported by Amazon Music Unlimited. If you're looking for a new music streaming service, Amazon Music Unlimited will be perfect. It features 70 million songs and thousands of expert-programmed playlists and stations - all available ad-free! 

So check it out today by going to We thank Amazon Music Unlimited for their support of the podcast. 

Artists Signature Chart (16-Page PDF E-book) - John’s List of 65 curated colors:

The special listener coupon code is “sharpart20” to get 20% off a single chart.

Other Resources for Artists

Ready for personal, tailored art mentoring? Check out the new Art Mentoring program and how you can get started for free!

>>>Join the Monthly Sharpener: a NEW online community for colored pencil artists!<<<

Stay sharp!