Realism — Podcast — Sharpened Artist

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Pencil Progress Newsletter

⭐️ Sharpen your craft weekly

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© Sharpened Artist all rights reserved

277 - Can I Capture Artwork With My Phone - Question Call-in Series

277 - Can I Capture Artwork With My Phone - Question Call-in Series
Sharpened Artist

Show Notes:

277 - Can I Capture Artwork With My Phone - Question Call-in Series

Today’s caller asks John about how to take pictures of artwork with just a cellphone. Is there an inexpensive way to do this?

 It’s a popular question. And.. It IS quite possible!

How do you go about doing this?

In summary, here’s what’s involved:

  1. Adjust the settings on your phone 

  2. Controlled Lighting 

  3. A tripod and a remote shutter or a timer

  4. An even picture plane

  5. Editing software

Be sure to tune in next week where John will talk about the absolute best way to get a digital image of your work. And no, it’s not with an expensive camera either.

Maybe you’ve got a question for the show? If so, you can click on the banner on the right-hand side of the screen, or call 513-301-0005.

Other Resources for Artists

Ready for personal, tailored art mentoring? Check out the new Art Mentoring program and how you can get started for free!

For the full video versions of the interview podcasts, join the Member’s Circle.

>>>Join the Monthly Sharpener: a BRAND NEW online community for artists!<<<

Stay sharp!

276 - Do I Start With Dark Values First? - Question Call-In Series

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276 - Do I Start With Dark Values First? - Question Call-In Series
Sharpened Artist

Show Notes:

275 - Afraid of the dark? - Question Call-In Series

In another Question Call-In show, John answers a question about how to start the drawing process with values in mind.

 If you want to have strong values in your composition, do you start with the darkest values first and build towards the light values? 

Maybe you’ve got a question for the show? If so, you can click on the banner on the right-hand side of the screen, or call 513-301-0005.

Other Resources for Artists

Ready for personal, tailored art mentoring? Check out the new Art Mentoring program and how you can get started for free!

For the full video versions of the interview podcasts, join the Member’s Circle.

>>>Join the Monthly Sharpener: a BRAND NEW online community for artists!<<<

Stay sharp!

275 - Afraid of the dark? - Question Call-In Series

275 - Afraid of the dark? - Question Call-In Series
Sharpened Artist

Show Notes:

275 - Afraid of the dark? - Question Call-In Series

In another Question Call-In show, John answers a question about being afraid of the dark.

How can we overcome our fear of the dark? My mind may be telling me that it's one value but I’m afraid to use that particular color in my project for fear that I might be wrong. If I go too dark I’m afraid I might mess it up. How can I get over this fear? 

Maybe you’ve got a question for the show? If so, you can click on the banner on the right-hand side of the screen, or call 513-301-0005.

Other Resources for Artists

Ready for personal, tailored art mentoring? Check out the new Art Mentoring program and how you can get started for free!

For the full video versions of the interview podcasts, join the Member’s Circle.

>>>Join the Monthly Sharpener: a BRAND NEW online community for artists!<<<

Stay sharp!

274 - Choosing A Project - Question Call-In Series

274 - Choosing A Project - Question Call-In Series
Sharpened Artist

Show Notes:

274 - Choosing A Project - Question Call-In Series

In another Question Call-In show, John answers a question regarding how to choose your next Colored Pencil project.

 Do you decide on the next project first and then look for or create a photo reference for the vision or the other way around? Listen in for some insight before you decide on your next project.

Maybe you’ve got a question for the show? If so, you can click on the banner on the right-hand side of the screen, or call 513-301-0005.

Other Resources for Artists

Ready for personal, tailored art mentoring? Check out the new Art Mentoring program and how you can get started for free!

For the full video versions of the interview podcasts, join the Member’s Circle.

>>>Join the Monthly Sharpener: a BRAND NEW online community for artists!<<<

Stay sharp!

273 - Reference Photos - Question Call-In Series

273 - Reference Photos - Question Call-In Series
Sharpened Artist

Show Notes:

273 - Reference Photos - Question Call-In Series

In another Question Call-In show, John answers 2 questions reference photos.

Listen in to 2 calls: 

  1. How do you go about getting original reference photos for portraits? 

  2. Is there a difference between using a reference photo for educational purposes versus using a reference photo for commercial use? How do you choose appropriate photo references so you don’t get into legal trouble? 

Maybe you’ve got a question for the show? If so, you can click on the banner on the right-hand side of the screen, or call 513-301-0005.

Other Resources for Artists

Ready for personal, tailored art mentoring? Check out the new Art Mentoring program and how you can get started for free!

For the full video versions of the interview podcasts, join the Member’s Circle.

>>>Join the Monthly Sharpener: a BRAND NEW online community for artists!<<<

Stay sharp!

272 - Paper Choice & Planning - Question Call-In Series

272 - Paper Choice & Planning - Question Call-In Series
Sharpened Artist

Show Notes:

272 - Paper Choice & Planning - Question Call-In Series

In another Question Call-In show, John answers 2 questions about planning and paper decisions.

Listen in to 2 calls: 

  1. How do you decide between Pastelmat and Stonehenge for your next project? 

  2. Are there specific planning steps to take before starting your next project?

Maybe you’ve got a question for the show? If so, you can click on the banner on the right-hand side of the screen, or call 513-301-0005.

Other Resources for Artists

Ready for personal, tailored art mentoring? Check out the new Art Mentoring program and how you can get started for free!

For the full video versions of the interview podcasts, join the Member’s Circle.

>>>Join the Monthly Sharpener: a BRAND NEW online community for artists!<<<

Stay sharp!

271 - Teaching - Question Call-In Series

271 - Teaching - Question Call-In Series
Sharpened Artist

Show Notes:

271 - Teaching - Question Call-In Series

In this first installment of the new Question Call-In shows, John takes 2 different calls both related to getting started teaching and writing articles.

Listen in as Brent and Kim call in their questions today!

Maybe you’ve got a question for the show? If so, you can click on the banner on the right-hand side of the screen, or call 513-301-0005.

Other Resources for Artists

Ready for personal, tailored art mentoring? Check out the new Art Mentoring program and how you can get started for free!

For the full video versions of the interview podcasts, join the Member’s Circle.

>>>Join the Monthly Sharpener: a BRAND NEW online community for artists!<<<

Stay sharp!

270 - The Biggest Mistake

270 - The Biggest Mistake
Sharpened Artist

Show Notes:

270 - The Biggest Mistake

John talks about the biggest mistake that colored pencil artists make.  It’s beyond the obvious ones you often hear of “not enough layering”, or “using a dull pencil”. This one has to do with inadequate planning from the beginning. If you don’t know where the stopping point is from the beginning, then how do you know when you get there?

Other Resources for Artists

Ready for personal, tailored art mentoring? Check out the new Art Mentoring program and how you can get started for free!

For the full video versions of the interview podcasts, join the Member’s Circle.

>>>Join the Monthly Sharpener: a BRAND NEW online community for artists!<<<

Stay sharp!

269 - Everything Is A Nail

269 - Everything Is A Nail
Sharpened Artist

Show Notes:

269 - Everything Is A Nail

John discusses a recurring theme that comes up often regarding self-sabotage and comparison problems.  If an artist isn’t comparing themselves to themselves then they run the risk of creating a self-defeating mindset and attitude!

Look back at what you’ve done. As you approach your next piece ask yourself 3 things:

  1. What should I keep doing?

  2. What should I stop doing? (Or what didn’t work on my last piece?)

  3. What should I start doing? (Or what do I need to now incorporate on my next piece?)

Links inside This Episode

Article by Carrie Lewis on “What To Do..”

Other Resources for Artists

Ready for personal, tailored art mentoring? Check out the new Art Mentoring program and how you can get started for free!

For the full video versions of the interview podcasts, join the Member’s Circle.

>>>Join the Monthly Sharpener: a BRAND NEW online community for artists!<<<

Stay sharp!

268 - Lessons Learned Last Week

268 - Lessons Learned Last Week
Sharpened Artist

Show Notes:

268 - Lessons Learned Last Week

As a follow up to last week’s episode, John talks about what he learned about the process and about himself through this process of studying from one of the true greats!

The use of more blue in the skin in the fair complexion of this artist and the use of dark green and red in the dark side of the face, were just some of the surprises of doing this study.

Other Resources for Artists

Ready for personal, tailored art mentoring? Check out the new Art Mentoring program and how you can get started for free!

For the full video versions of the interview podcasts, join the Member’s Circle.

>>>Join the Monthly Sharpener: a BRAND NEW online community for artists!<<<

Stay sharp!

267 - Investing In Imitation

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267 - Investing In Imitation
Sharpened Artist

Show Notes:

267 - Investing In Imitation

In this episode, John discusses why he is investing some time to studying from some master painters from centuries ago.

We’ve all heard the adage, “Draw what you see and not what you know”.  But we should also know what we are observing. When we do that, we understand everything more clearly.  That enables us to articulate what we see so that we can understand and depict what we both observe and understand

Other Resources for Artists

Ready for personal, tailored art mentoring? Check out the new Art Mentoring program and how you can get started for free!

For the full video versions of the interview podcasts, join the Member’s Circle.

>>>Join the Monthly Sharpener: a BRAND NEW online community for artists!<<<

Stay sharp!

266 - Interview with Barbara Dahlstedt

266 - Interview with Barbara Dahlstedt
Sharpened Artist

Show Notes:

266 - Interview with Barbara Dahlstedt

In this episode, John Interviews color pencil artist Barbara Dahlstedt. While she may be well known for many of her portrait pieces it’s also difficult to put her into just one box regarding subject matter. She explores a variety of surfaces as well as materials and techniques to get just the right look that she's after! Barbara has done commission work for years, she’s a retired high school art teacher, and was the 2019 CPSA’s CIPPY award winner! 

References From This Episode

Barbara Dahlstedt’s Website:

Other Resources for Artists

Ready for personal, tailored art mentoring? Check out the new Art Mentoring program and how you can get started for free!

For the full video versions of the interview podcasts, join the Member’s Circle.

>>>Join the Monthly Sharpener: a BRAND NEW online community for artists!<<<

Stay sharp!

265 - Mixing WC and CP

265 - Mixing WC and CP
Sharpened Artist

Show Notes:

265 - Mixing WC and CP

In this episode, John discusses the tried and true methods and techniques of mixing WC with CP. The water-soluble “waxes” found in a WC “pencil” absolutely CAN be mixed with the traditional medium of colored pencil-- a water-resistant wax and oil-based medium. As with most things, the devil is in the details. The layering order does make a difference.

Other Resources for Artists

Ready for personal, tailored art mentoring? Check out the new Art Mentoring program and how you can get started for free!

For the full video versions of the interview podcasts, join the Member’s Circle.

>>>Join the Monthly Sharpener: a BRAND NEW online community for artists!<<<

Stay sharp!

264 - 24 Brand New Luminance Colored Pencils

24 New Luminance Colored Pencils.png
264 - 24 Brand New Luminance Colored Pencils
Sharpened Artist

Show Notes:

264 - 24 Brand New Luminance Colored Pencils

In this episode, John just received the brand new 24 Luminance colored pencils. This is a first look at the exciting new colors! There are several dark blues and some new pinks and purples. If you’re a portrait artist, you’ll not be disappointed when you see the new luscious dark skin tones now available.

Learn more on the Caran D’Ache site:

References From This Episode

You can purchase the pencils right now from these places:

Other Resources for Artists

Ready for personal, tailored art mentoring? Check out the new Art Mentoring program and how you can get started for free!

For the full video versions of the interview podcasts, join the Member’s Circle.

>>>Join the Monthly Sharpener: a BRAND NEW online community for artists!<<<

Stay sharp!

263 - Book Review on Drawing the Head

263 - Book Review on Drawing the Head
Sharpened Artist

Show Notes:

263 - Book Review: Artist’s Complete Guide To Drawing the Head

In this episode, John reviews the book that has influenced his artwork and techniques more than any other- bar none.

It’s not a colored pencil book either. This book focuses on how to draw the human head, so the medium is immaterial. The understanding of light and shadow is simplified and explained inside this timeless art book. The principle technique employed in the book is called “chiaroscuro”. Which has to do with the contrast between light and dark. 

Today (Monday, July 13, 2020) is also the last day to take advantage of the Face Value course Presale!  After today all the bonuses and the special value discount pricing goes away. 

Go here to find out more about the course:

References From This Episode

Other Resources for Artists

Ready for personal, tailored art mentoring? Check out the new Art Mentoring program and how you can get started for free!

For the full video versions of the interview podcasts, join the Member’s Circle.

>>>Join the Monthly Sharpener: a BRAND NEW online community for artists!<<<

Stay sharp!

258 - 4 Keys To Performing A Self Critique

258 - 4 Keys To Performing A Self Critique
258 - 4 Keys To Performing A Self Critique
Sharpened Artist

Show Notes:

258 - 4 Keys To Performing A Self Critique

This week John discusses HOW to perform a self critique of your work.

Listen to the show for all the details.

Here’s the high-level overview:

  1. Look for specifics.

  2. Change your work in order to really see it.

  3. Don’t look from your perspective.

  4. Be nice.


Other Resources for Artists

For the full video version of this podcast, and others, join the Member’s Circle.

>>>Join the Monthly Sharpener: a BRAND NEW online community for artists!<<<

Stay sharp!

256 - Reflecting Back 4 Years

256 - Reflecting Back 4 Years
Sharpened Artist

Show Notes:

256 - Reflecting Over The Past 4 Years

This week John is reflecting back on events over the recent past. 20 Years ago, 10 year ago, and 4 years ago.

Memorial Day weekend is usually a time when life slows down just a bit. You enjoy being off work and spending time with family.

On Friday, May 20, 2016, John launched the Sharpened Artist Academy to the world!

That was four years ago. A LOT has changed sense then.

There was only one course offered back then - the Beginner's Colored Pencil Course - and it's still the most popular course and continues to help thousands of students worldwide.

Today, John’s goal and vision remain the same. To help transform as many students as possible. To help them learn the new medium of colored pencil quickly and methodically in 10 weeks so that they can start creating their own original artwork and not merely copying someone else's process.

John’s goal is to help you learn to trust yourself so you can be the artist that you look up to and admire the most.

So in the spirit of good ole nostalgia and new beginnings, here's a coupon for the flagship course that is still helping transform students today. Join the others in our group, inside the Sharpened Artist Academy. ​

Just use coupon “MD2020” at checkout to get 30% off for the next few days.

255 - Learning To Level Up

255 - Learning To Level Up
Sharpened Artist

Show Notes:

255 - Learning To Level Up

If you’re ready to learn how to draw portraits by going back to the basics and learning how to observe, then check out the

FREE Portrait Prep Course!

We begin on June 1, 2020. Here’s the link.

References And Links From This Episode

Stay sharp!

024 Color vs Value and Contrast

024 Color vs Value and Contrast
Color vs contrast.jpg

Topic:  Color versus Value and Contrast

Points of Interest:
Define Color: (Hue) are basic colors that make up the rainbow.  They represent light wavelengths.  In a way, color is defined as hue, saturation and tonal value.  

Define Value: Graduations of light and dark.  All colors have an inherent value.  

Define Contrast: Difference in light and dark.  Or light vs dark.

Saturation or the Chroma has to do with the intensity of the hue.  

What is the grisaille method?

As always, thanks for listening! Tune in next week for more from John and Lisa. In the meantime, be sure to visit for additional updates and information. You can also join our Facebook group, Colored Pencil Podcast, or contact us by email at

Affiliate Links:

Do you need help building your own website or blog?  You can contact me to discuss the  options I offer.   Click here for help building your website or for a free site evaluation.

To submit questions to be read and answered on the podcast click here!  Or you can click on the side widget, "Send Voicemail", to send an audio file to us!

Stay Sharp!