Season 2 Trailer
Show Notes:
Season 2 of the podcast is coming up soon!
John and Barb are gearing up for a new season of the podcast. Listen to the trailer to find out what’s in store for this year in season 2.
As always, you can reach out to the show if you’d like to offer any suggestions:
For rough-cut, early-release, and ad-free video versions of the podcast, join the Member’s Circle.
Artists Signature Chart (16-Page PDF E-book) - John’s List of 65 curated colors:
The special listener coupon code is “sharpart20” to get 20% off a single chart.
Other Resources for Artists
Ready for personal, tailored art mentoring? Check out the new Art Mentoring program and how you can get started for free!
>>>Join the Monthly Sharpener: a NEW online community for colored pencil artists!<<<
Stay sharp!