213 Favorite Colored Pencil Colors — Sharpened Artist

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213 Favorite Colored Pencil Colors

213 Favorite Colored Pencil Colors.png
213 Favorite Colored Pencil Colors
Sharpened Artist

Show Notes

Sharpened Artist: Colored Pencil Podcast

Release Date: July 29, 2019


Topic: Favorite Colored Pencil Colors


Points of Interest:

John and guest host, Barb Sotiropoulos, spend this episode discussing what makes an amazing colored pencil color, and listing some of their absolute favorites.

Is it possible to complete an entire piece with just one brand?

Should you color swatch as soon as you get a new set?

Can you rescue a great color that won’t sharpen well?

Listen in for the answers to these questions, then check out the specific color recommendations by clicking the links below!

Also, be sure and check out Barb’s website and Instagram page!

Links Referenced:

Luminance White

Polychromos Dark Indigo

Faber Castell Caput Mortuum

Derwent Drawing Chinese White

Pablo White

Derwent Lightfast Mars Violet (not available in open stock)

Derwent Lightfast Ruby Earth

Derwent Lightfast Sienna

Derwent Lightfast Venetian Red

Inktense Bark

Luminance Burnt Sienna

Luminance Burnt Ochre

Luminance Brown Ochre

Prismacolor Carmine Red




Free 30-day Audible Trial:



Looking for past episodes? The “Techniques” CD is a curated edition of some of our earlier shows. Click here to learn more!


John’s Twitter: @sharpenedartist

Lisa’s Twitter: @lachri



As always, thanks for listening! Tune in next week for more from John and Lisa. In the meantime, be sure to visit www.sharpenedartist.com for additional updates and information. You can also join our Facebook group, Colored Pencil Podcast, or contact us by email at podcast@sharpenedartist.com .


If you want more colored pencil inspiration, snag a FREE sample issue of the COLORED PENCIL MAGAZINE here!


Stay sharp!

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