Interview with Peggy Magovern — Sharpened Artist

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Interview with Peggy Magovern

Show Notes:

Season 3

346 - Interview with Peggy Magovern

This week John interviews artist and instructor, Peggy Magovern. Peggy has won numerous awards through the years, she’s been featured in top magazines and publications, and has had a long career as a freelance commercial artist.

Be sure and check out the video version of the show inside Members Circle. The video podcasts are extended, more in-depth, and ad-free!

Peggy’s sites and social presence:



Materials discussed on the show:

Paper: UART Sanded Paper, Strathmore

Pencils: Prismacolor Premier, Derwent Studio pencils

As always, you can reach out to the show if you’d like to offer any suggestions:

Would you like the podcast early? How about the full video version of the show?

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The podcast is also supported by Amazon Music Unlimited. If you're looking for a new music streaming service, Amazon Music Unlimited will be perfect. It features 70 million songs and thousands of expert-programmed playlists and stations - all available ad-free! 

So check it out today by going to We thank Amazon Music Unlimited for their support of the podcast. 

Artists Signature Chart (16-Page PDF E-book) - John’s List of 65 curated colors:

The special listener coupon code is “sharpart20” to get 20% off a single chart.

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Stay sharp!

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